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2023-ENG5B07- Appreciating Drama.

Updated 29 May 2023
Lessons 5
Enrolled 27
Language English ‎(en)‎
Skill Level Beginner

Course Overview

This course is an attempt to provide to the learners about the wide spectrum of drama and theatre across the globe thereby instilling an interest to appreciate the form of art. It spans to 4 modules. In order to create a more base to the course, this module will discuss the various elements and types of drama focusing on the historical background of the western and eastern theatre

Course Content


Enrolment options

This course is an attempt to provide to the learners about the wide spectrum of drama and theatre across the globe thereby instilling an interest to appreciate the form of art. It spans to 4 modules. In order to create a more base to the course, this module will discuss the various elements and types of drama focusing on the historical background of the western and eastern theatre

Skill Level: Beginner
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