- Teacher: NISHA CM
- Teacher: Rasheeda V P Faculty
- Teacher: KAVITHA M R
- Teacher: Sandhya S
- Teacher: Riyas P STAFF
- Teacher: Sajna M
- Teacher: Jasna O
1. Understand the concepts of Physical Education,Health and Wellness.
2.Assess components of physical fitness.
3.Know about science of Yoga and its benefits.
4.Understand First Aid for sports injuries.
5.Know the postural deformities and their corrective measures.
6.Understand Lifestyle and Hypo kinetic diseases.
7.Understand how to control Emotions and manage stress.
- Teacher: SINDHU P
Time: 3 Hours per week Credits: 3
Internal : 15, External : 60
To understand the importance of database systems for business management, and, To gain a practical
orientation to database development and maintenance.
Learning outcome :On completing the course the students will be able to Understand the practice of
Ecommerce, epayment and also the security issues.
Module I :
Introduction to E- commerce : Meaning and concept – E- commerce v/s Traditional
Commerce-E- Business & E- Commerce – History of E- Commerce – EDI – Importance , features &
benefits of E- Commerce – Impacts, Challenges & Limitations of E- Commerce – Supply chain
management & E – Commerce – E – Commerce infrastructure. 15 hours
Module II :
Business models of E – Commerce: Business to Business – Business to customers –
customers to customers - Business to Government – Business to employee – E – Commerce strategy
– Influencing factors of successful E- Commerce. 10 hours
Module III :
Electronic Payment system : Introduction – Online payment systems – prepaid and
postpaid payment systems – e- cash, e- cheque, Smart Card, Credit Card , Debit Card, Electronic
purse – Security issues on electronic payment system – Solutions to security issues – Biometrics –
Types of biometrics. Legal and ethical issues in E- Commerce : Security issues in E- Commerce-
Regulatory frame work of E- commerce 23 hours
1. Turban, Efraim, David King et. el.: Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective, Pearson
Page 45 of 47
Education Asia, Delhi 2002.
2. Kalakota, Ravi: Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison - Wesley, Delhi .
3. Rayport, Jeffrey F and Jaworksi, Bernard J: Introduction to E-Commerce, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi 2003.
4. Smantha Shurety,:
- Teacher: Jasna O
- Teacher: SAJINA PARI
- Teacher: Jabir Vavad STAFF
Course Outcome
To equip the students with detailed knowledge in digital electronics. To learn different number systems, logic gates, counters, flip flops etc
- Teacher: Dr. Ashkarali P
- Teacher: Dr. Vinesh P V
- Teacher: Layyina P P
Aim of the course -
- To prepare the students for competitive exams such as UPSC, Defence, SSC, Banking, KPSC, Insurance and other examinations.
Course objectives -
- To help the students to approach and qualify competitive examinations by introducing the usually discussed areas in the exams.
- To enable the learners to acquire necessary professional skills in the usage of English.
- To provide opportunities for the students to improve their listening and reading comprehension skills.
- Teacher: Danish Nizar