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Module I

 Introduction to Human Resource Management—Importance--scope and objectives of HRM. Evolution of the concept of HRM- Approaches to HRM- Personal management Vs Human Resource Management-HRM and competitive advantage- Traditional Vs Strategic Human Resource Management - E-HRM - Operational E-HRM - Relational E-HRM - Transformational E-HRM. (20 Hours, 20 marks) 

Module II Human resource planning, Recruitment and selection—Job analysis---process of job analysisjob discretion- job specification-- methods of job analysis-- Conventional Vs strategic planning—job evaluation—Recruitment--source of recruitment-methods. (18 Hours, 18 marks)

 Module III Placement, Induction and Internal mobility of human resource. Training of employees—need for training-objectives- approaches --methods-training environment- areas of trainingTraining evaluation. (12 Hours, 12 marks) 

Module IV Performance appraisal and career planning. Need and importance- objectives processmethods and problems of performance appraisal- . Concept of career planning –featuresmethods –uses career development (12 hours, 15 marks)

 Module V Compensation management and grievance redressal. Compensation planning objectivesWage systems- factors influencing wage system-. Grievance redressal procedure- disciplineapproaches-punishment-essentials of a good discipline system. Labour participation in management

Skill Level: Beginner

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