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Module I:
Auditing – Meaning – Objects - Basic Principles and Techniques – Auditing and investigation
- Classification of Audit – Management audit – Proprietary audit – Performance audit – Tax
audit – Social audit – Environmental audit - Audit Planning – Qualities of an auditor –
Advantages and limitations of audit (10 hours, 10 marks)
Module II
Audit Procedures: Vouching - Definition - Features - Examining vouchers -Vouching of cash
book - Vouching of trading transactions - Verification and valuation of assets and liabilities:
Meaning - Definition and objects - Vouching v/s verification - Verification and Valuation of
different assets and liabilities (20 hours, 20 marks)
Module III
Internal Control - Internal Check - Internal Audit --Definitions - Necessity - Difference
between internal check and internal control - Fundamental Principles of internal check -
Difference between internal check and internal audit - Special Areas of Audit: Tax audit and
Management Audit - Recent trends in auditing - Relevant Auditing and Assurance Standards
(AASs) - Rights duties and liabilities of auditor - Audit committee - Auditor's Report -
Contents and types – Auditors certificate. (20 hours, 25 marks)
Module IV: Conceptual Framework of Corporate Governance: Meaning, Theories, Models
and Benefits of Corporate Governance; Board Committees and their Functions; Insider
Trading; Rating Agencies; Green Governance/E-governance; Clause 49 of Listing
Agreement; Class Action; Whistle Blowing; Shareholders Activism (20 hours, 15 marks)
Module V
Major Corporate governance failures - BCCI (UK) - Maxwell Communication (UK) - Enron
(USA – Satyam Computer Services Ltd - TATA Finance - Kingfisher Airlines - Common
Governance Problems Noticed in various Corporate Failures - Codes and Standards on

Corporate Governance (10 hours, 10 marks)

Skill Level: Beginner

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